JSFoo Pune 2020
On component architecture, performance, security for front-end, and emerging trends
Feb 2020
24 Mon
25 Tue
26 Wed
27 Thu
28 Fri 08:50 AM – 05:35 PM IST
29 Sat 08:50 AM – 06:00 PM IST
1 Sun
Kritika Agarwal
Submitted Feb 11, 2020
This workshop will briefly cover newly introduced Mysql Document Store architecture which allows developers to work with SQL relational tables and schema-less JSON collections. We will then dive into Connector/Node.js, official Node.js driver provided by MySQL, ways to use it in an application and a couple of features introduced in Mysql 8.0 releases for Connector/Node.js.
MySQL 8.0 Document Store
I work in MySQL team at Oracle and I have been working on Connector/Node.js end-to-end testing for about 1.5 years now.
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