JSFoo Chennai 2020

JSFoo Chennai 2020

On component architecture, performance, security for front-end, and emerging trends



Rise of JAMStack: Building fast and secure websites

Submitted Jan 20, 2020

In the past few years users have become mobile and impatient, that nobody likes slow loading pages. Google is also heavily considering site speed into its primary ranking algorithms. Performance is critical for websites in delivering the content. Even one study concluded that a single-second delay in load time can hurt the conversion rate of an e-commerce site by 7%. Also think about how much effort put towards setting up and managing the infrastructure required to build and deliver a high performance website. You need to think about choosing the right web servers, setting up the load balancers, caching mechanisms (and yes of course cache invalidation mechanisms) and autoscaling your instances (who knows when traffic goes up and down).

In this talk, we discuss the new approach for building modern web applications - JAMStack - an architectural style for deploying fast, highly scalable and secured websites. JAMStack stands for client side Javascript, reusable APIs and pre-built Markups. Unlike LAMP or MEAN stack, JAMStack is not about specific languages, operating systems or frameworks, instead it is a new way of developing websites and apps. It leverages static site generators to pre build markups and deliver it through content delivery networks, removing the need for running web servers.


Problems of traditional web development

Here we talk about the typical challenges that we face in traditional web development practices - starting from a simple file server serving HTML files to complex infrastructure involves load balancers and caching systems.

Introduction to JAMStack

We talk about how the community comes up with terminology for patterns and practices that we use to solve the above problems. JAMStack gives us one word to communicate a large range of architectural decisions.

Anatomy of JAMStack

We talk about the fundamental building blocks (client side Javascript, reusable APIs and pre-built Markups) that actually make up the JAMStack architecture.

Speaker bio

Jawahar is a software programmer working for ThoughtWorks. He has years of experience in building enterprise grade applications using various technologies. He started his career in desktop application development and then moved to mobile development later. He was Xamarin certified mobile developer.

For the last few years, he has been focusing on web development. He is passionate about the Javascript ecosystem and likes to share new and interesting concepts with the community.




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