JSFoo Chennai 2020
On component architecture, performance, security for front-end, and emerging trends
Apr 2020
30 Mon
31 Tue
1 Wed
2 Thu
3 Fri 08:50 AM – 05:30 PM IST
4 Sat 08:50 AM – 03:15 PM IST
5 Sun
Submitted Mar 3, 2020
GraphQL is “A query language for your api ” built with three basic design principles
toGraphQL is a hands-on workshop aims to explore the process of adding graphql to an existing REST implementation.
Hands-on kicks off with a presentation of basics of GraphQL followed by showcasing a project built using MERN stack. As the session progresses we would implement graphql both on front-end and backend to make the system compatible with graphql.
###Workshop Anatomy
Presentation covering - (Duration : 30 mins)
What is GraphQL ?
Design Principles
Why should I give it a thought ?
Who is already using it ?
Hands on
Cloning the sample repos and running the applications - (Duration: 20 mins)
Run through exisiting implementation of an Ecommerce site sample built using React and Node JS - (Duration: 30 mins)
Implement queries of GraphQL on Backend - (Duration: 25 mins)
Integrate GraphQL on Backend - (Duration: 15 mins)
Integrate GraphQL on UI - (Duration: 30 mins)
Use Queries on UI - (Duration: 30 mins)
Implement mutations on Backend - (Duration: 30 mins)
Use implementations on UI - (Duration: 30 mins)
Some tips and tricks (Optional) - (Duration: 25 mins)
###TakeAways of Workshops
###Reference Links
I am a fullstack developer. I have been working on Javascript technologies from past 3 years. Mainly on react, react native and node js. I love code, poetry and poetic code What makes code poetic to me is the sheer simplicity, which make the code more readable, relatable.
{{ gettext('Login to leave a comment') }}
{{ gettext('Post a comment…') }}{{ errorMsg }}
{{ gettext('No comments posted yet') }}