JSFoo 2014

JavaScript as the centerpiece of a complex web stack

Aseem Agarwal


Delivering fast content based apps with Javascript.

Submitted Jul 20, 2014

Hybrid apps have the advantage of utilising best of both the worlds - native and HTML5. As such they are important when you are looking for a native app solution.

  1. They take less time to build than native apps in terms of writing code for multiple platforms.
  2. Ability to provide the same design across devices and platform with the same code and design.
  3. Constant improvement in the ecosystem for HTML5 with javascript and layout engines becomen more fast and conistent in term of feature support.

The session we will talk about the many areas where we use javascript at Genwi and how we can optimize it to deliver more fast and smooth experiences.


We will talk about the following points

  1. What is a content based app and how a hybrid model for native apps is suited to it?

  2. Using javascript to drive the different parts for a hybrid app.

  3. Future support from mobile platforms to support development of hybrid apps.

    • How webviews are becoming faster.
    • Cross platform features support improved.
    • Introduction of web components to enable writing more structured HTML design.


Basic knowlegde of JS, HTML and how a web app works.

Speaker bio

Iam is a senior engineer at Genwi working on front end design logic for hybrid apps plus backend server development. My interest and experience lies in web technologies where I now have almost over 3 years experience. At genwi we are involved in developing cutting edge hybrid mobile apps for companies looking to have their own content marketing solutions.
Apart from my regular job, Iam an avid blogger and regulary write about my personal experiences, philosophy towards life and any challenging technical problem I face. I also maintain an active twitter account -@agaase19.
Links to my accounts

  1. http://aseemagarwal.in
  2. http://github.com/agaase


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