JSFoo 2013

All about being creative with JavaScript

Elankeeran Vaithiyanathan


Building a Restful Web Application using Backbone marionetteJS, NodeJS and MongoDB in a test-driven development using chaiJS and mocha JS

Submitted Aug 8, 2013

Learn to build a Restful Web Application (web app/ SPA) using Backbone marionetteJS, NodeJS and MongoDB in TDD (Test-driven development) based development.


Node.js is a software platform that is used to build scalable network (especially server-side) applications. Node.js utilizes JavaScript as its scripting language, and achieves high throughput via non-blocking I/O and a single-threaded event loop.

Node.js, MongoDB enables web developers to create an entire web application in JavaScript, both server-side and client-side.

My talk will be a brief overview of RestFul web app using Backbone marionetteJS, NodeJS and MongoDB. I will try to cover the following topics –

Overview about NodeJS, Backbone marionetteJS and MongoDB
Overview on Test-driven development chaiJS and mocha JS
Web framework Express js
Hand on code walkthrough on sample application.
Packaging and Deploying in heroku


Basic understanding of JavaScript.
A laptop

Speaker bio

Elankeeran Vaithiyanathan, working as Interactive developer with SapientNitro. Key interests include JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3.


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