Editors on

Editors on

Editors who bring curated content from the world of tech, public policy, data and social governance.

Technology, data, and public policy (and it’s various intersections) is a world which is ever evolving, and at a rate which is sometimes unfathomable. At Hasgeek, we strive to keep up with the future while being mindful of the past. Our team of editors bring you curated content from the industry, making sure that each new talk, webinar, seminar, leads to the big picture.

These editors have been carefully selected by our team, from their domains of expertise. They will set a preface for the various talks and discussions that occur under different brands in Hasgeek - this can be curation of content related to a scheduled conference, or meet-ups online, or simply curation in the spirit of creating a dedicated community around a topic.

In this project, Hasgeek will be introducing you to the editors and show you what they are bringing to the table.
Stay tuned for more, geeks!

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Anupam Jain, Editor of FP Web Conf

Anupam Jain geeks functional programming. He brings many years of his practice and expertise as editor of FP WebConf ( Hear him speak about himself and the conference. more
  • Submitted
  • 16 Feb 2023


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Sanchayan Maity, Co-organizer of Rust India community

Sanchayan Maity talks about how Rust is here to transform the landscape of programming languages and why you should join them. more
  • Submitted
  • 24 Feb 2023

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The people who make this website. more