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JS bundlers and Webpack basicsI will be introducing about what are JS bundlers and introducing to the basics of the Webpack bundlers. more
Technical level: Beginner
CSS in JS : An intro to styled componentsstyled-components utilises tagged template literals to style your components. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Javascript and best practicesThis talk will be a deep dive on best practices to follow while setting up a node based javascript project. more
Technical level: Beginner
Javascript Async/AwaitThis talk will cover the use and benefits of JavaScript async/await with real time uses of this. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Develop Responsive Modern Web page without using any frameworkIt would be kind of workshop. Where you will learn end to end development of creating a responsive modern template without using any RWD framework/library with werry less number of css coding. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Build your website using gatsby.jsBuild portfolio/personal site using gatsby.js Outline more
Technical level: Beginner
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A meetup for women who write JavaScript (or who want to learn JavaScript). Come discuss your work, interests, and ideas! Look out this space for future meetups. Want to present some interesting idea or talk about informative web development concepts you learnt recently, submit your talk here https:…