Girls who JavaScript

A monthly meetup group for women who write JavaScript

Amisha Singla


Javascript and best practices

Submitted May 20, 2018

This talk will be a deep dive on best practices to follow while setting up a node based javascript project.


  1. Setting up linter and travis.
  2. Setting up directory hierarchy structure.
  3. Using classes and data facades to interact with database.
  4. Functional javascript -> Switching from callbacks to promises, Array functions, lodash and more.
  5. Command line utilites a.k.a binaries for quickly testing your library methods.
  6. Writing unit tests, mocking and stubbing functions and http requests.
  7. Releasing your npm package

Speaker bio

I have been working as a data engineer at Mapbox from last 2 years and responsible for architecting data pipeline projects there. As of now, I am focussing on building data validation pipeline for OpenStreetMap which is one of the biggest open data project. I have also worked with wikidata and gnome organization in the past. I keep an interest in Machine learning and right now experimenting with it. I am happy to talk about Maps, open data projects and open source softwares. :)


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A meetup for women who write JavaScript (or who want to learn JavaScript). Come discuss your work, interests, and ideas! Look out this space for future meetups. Want to present some interesting idea or talk about informative web development concepts you learnt recently, submit your talk here https:… more