Call for round the year submissions for Fragments in 2019

Call for round the year submissions for Fragments in 2019

Submit a proposal at any time in the year on mobile engineering, state of mobile platforms, and building products with mobile. We will find you a suitable opportunity to share your work.

sourabh gupta


How we Built N Different Scalable Pages at Flipkart

Submitted Feb 21, 2019

At Flipkart we have many pages that are independent like HomePage , Category Page , Search Page , Product Detail, Cart , Orders , Payments and each page has its own UI. In order to uniform all of this we have come up with the common framework which Divide each View into a Unit which can be reused in any of the Pages in App. It will help us to scale the same Unit in all the Pages and build N number of Different Pages within app without any change.


Talk will be useful in terms of Architecture if any app has N number of pages, how to design the framework which can help to create any new Pages without the app release or with minimal changes.
How to build a View which can be reused across the pages in the same app.

Speaker bio

Mobile Lead at Flipkart.Leading E2E Mobile development for Flipkart app
Medium -:



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