Fragments 2017

Fragments 2017

A conference on the mobile ecosystem in India

Amrit Sanjeev


How to build effective Android Instant apps ?

Submitted May 18, 2017

Instant apps was announced at Google IO 2016 and since then the team has been working closely with a large numnber of partners to bring the best app experience for the user with thier Instant apps. This talk aims to introduce Instant apps to the developers and the right way to think about building them. Will also share some of the best practices that developers should adopt when building instant apps . Will also touch


  • What is Instant apps ?
  • Where do they fit in a product strategy ?
  • when to build them and when not to
  • best practices to consider when building Instant apps

Speaker bio

Senior Developer Advocate at Google
Organizer at Blrdroid


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