Sep 2017
11 Mon
12 Tue 08:30 AM – 05:20 PM IST
13 Wed 08:30 AM – 05:30 PM IST
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17 Sun
Anshulika Prasad
Submitted Jul 30, 2017
Changing the behaviour of the app based on certain remote configuration. In companies like Flipkart plenty of A/B experiments being conducted at the same time. This talk gives an overview of the architecture for managing remote configurations for apps and other clients in Flipkart at scale. This also talks facilitates running A/B experiment on any variable present in document Config without app release.
Managing remote configs at scale.
Comparison with existing remote config solutions like Firebase.
Dive deep into apps architecture for updating configs with A/B variable and restoring when experiment expires.
Senior Software developer at Flipkart. Android enthusiast.
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