Fragments 2017

Fragments 2017

A conference on the mobile ecosystem in India

Srihari Kulkarni


Developing multi-channel apps - Mobile to Progressive Web Apps with Bluemix

Submitted Jul 16, 2017

Progressive Web Apps are redfining how users interact with your service - users no longer need an app installed on a mobile device. At the same time, mobile apps aren’t going away anytime soon.

In this talk, you will learn how to build apps for multiple channels - mobile and the web, effectively. You will learn how you can use the Mobile Foundation service on IBM Bluemix to have one cloud service to cater to all types of apps and users.

Whether you are developing native mobile apps, Cordova apps or web apps - this session will help you learn how to build apps for the other channels.


  • What are Progressive Web Apps
  • Why mobile ? Why web ?
  • Challenges & quirks - mobile & web
  • One service to rule them all

Speaker bio

Srihari is the architect for the IBM MobileFirst Client SDKs. He leads the development of client SDKs for MobileFirst on Android, iOS, Windows, Cordova, Web & Xamarin. Srihari has been instrumental in identifying & implementing many features that are tailored for enterprise mobile development in growth markets such as India. He also has 2 patents filed in the USPTO.


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