MLOps Conference

MLOps Conference

On DataOps, productionizing ML models, and running experiments at scale.



Sandilya Konduri


Leveraging ML algorithms to deliver faster in an extremely chaotic environment

Submitted Jul 14, 2021

Ecommerce in our country has come quite some distance and along with it has been successful in reshaping customer expectations and his/her perception of hygiene & delight. Speedy delivery now has become a base expectation of today’s customer. Add a certain set of categories , the need for quicker SLA just escalates higher.

In this battle to improve on the faster delivery aspirations , eKart has leveraged a ML algorithm to calculate SLA and simulate this for the future.
This talk is a sneak peak into the approach that we’ve taken on this problem statement.

In this talk , you will learn about -

  • Importance of Customer Speed in the context of ecommerce in India in 2021
  • The complexity of network run by a large scale ecommerce supply chain like eKart
  • How we are leveraging ML to solve for this problem
  • High level architecture overview of how the systems are designed
  • Choices we’ve taken on anomalies encountered in the ML output , given the criticality of the output metric
  • “Sense & Response” how we’re powering an ability for the system & stakeholders to react to these changes

Agenda -

  • Importance of SLA , shift in buyer trend in India
  • An overview of the components of the ML Algorithm used for computing the SLA + the simulation algorithm
  • Architecture view of the solution
  • Deep dive on the anomalous situations encountered & reactions taken by the system -
    • Look forward simulation
    • Infeasible inputs
    • Simulation result exceeding guardrails
    • Alerts on moderate anomalies
  • Overall impact achieved

Who should attend this -

  • Product Managers especially the ones in Supply Chain
  • Data Scientists + OR enthusiasts
  • People interested in applications of GraphDB ;


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