On Saturday, Parminder Jeet Singh, member of the NPD CoE, shared the thought process behind NPD V2, and why the recommendation of High Value Datasets (HVDs) was made in this iteration of the report.
Read summary of the session here: https://hasgeek.com/PrivacyMode/npd-week/sub/rationale-for-non-personal-data-npd-governance-sum-Uf7DjtWKChaGGLnCFK9BZU
On Thursday, Venkata Pingali and Mangalam Nandakumar, along with other tech and product practitioners, will give practical inputs for the recommendations on metadata directory and HVD creation. Venkata and Mangalam have shared a draft set of notes on https://hasgeek.com/PrivacyMode/npd-week/sub/metadata-directory-and-high-value-datasets-hvds-JegscGrtuXzeNFo2Y8Z6vc
Do contribute to the list of suggestions, and participate in the discussions, by either commenting and posting suggestions to improve NPD governance.
The schedule for the remainder week is on https://hasgeek.com/PrivacyMode/npd-week/schedule/