Doing data access and management inside organizations


About the session

Organizations face a daunting challenge when putting together an approach for data governance. Starting with establishing a set of roles and accountabilities to nurturing a culture where product development, marketing and communications and risk management are deeply ingrained with the principles of data governance. How do leaders do this? What can they do to build a robust practice that uses tools, workflows, audits and access control to accomplish good controls and achieve regulatory compliance. In this session, two industry leaders present their perspective on this topic and encourage the audience to seek more clarity through a conversation.

Who should attend

Anyone in the following roles will find the session important and good to participate in:

  • Product Managers
  • Development leads
  • IT/Data Architects
  • Ops teams
  • Information Architects
  • IT Auditors

Key takeaways for participants

This session will focus on the key topics which present a vexing path to business leaders. These include:

  • discussion around compliance.
  • understanding the significance of designing for access and internal controls.
  • the balance between speed of development and development of governance.

How to join the session

This session will take place on Twitter. Follow The Fifth Elephant Twitter handle to join the discussion at

Code of Conduct: Hasgeek’s Code of Conduct applies to all participants and speakers.

Contact information: For queries about the meetups, contact Hasgeek at or call (91)7676332020.

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