The Fifth Elephant 2017

On data engineering and application of ML in diverse domains

Jyothsna Srinivas


Working with Apache Spark in Eta

Submitted Apr 16, 2017

Eta is a high-level, purely functional programming language and also the newest member to the JVM world. It has been gaining traction as an alternative to Scala for solving Big Data problems. In this talk, I would like to discuss why Eta is ideal for writing Apache Spark jobs by considering the following aspects:

  1. Type-safety
  2. Elegant EDSLs (Embedded Domain Specific Languages)
  3. Interoperates with Java ecosystem
  4. Ideal for concurrent, parallel, and distributed systems.


The talk will mainly cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction to pure functional programming
  2. Why Eta?
  3. Why Eta for Spark?
  4. EDSL for Spark in Eta
  5. Demo a Apache Spark jobs written in Eta

Speaker bio

Jyothsna is the CEO and Co-founder of TypeLead. TypeLead is the company behind Eta programming language.
She is also one of the major committers to the Eta project.


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