The Fifth Elephant 2017
On data engineering and application of ML in diverse domains
Jul 2017
24 Mon
25 Tue
26 Wed
27 Thu 08:15 AM – 10:00 PM IST
28 Fri 08:15 AM – 06:25 PM IST
29 Sat
30 Sun
On data engineering and application of ML in diverse domains
Jul 2017
24 Mon
25 Tue
26 Wed
27 Thu 08:15 AM – 10:00 PM IST
28 Fri 08:15 AM – 06:25 PM IST
29 Sat
30 Sun
Bhargav Kowshik
Submitted Apr 30, 2017
OpenStreetMap is the largest free and open map of the world! An average of 2 million features are touched by volunteers around the world every single day. Amazing isn’t it? The global scale and the local diversity bring in a host of challenges for maintaining a high quality of data on OpenStreetMap.
The Mapbox data team works closely with communities of mappers to validate and protect OpenStreetMap data. In this talk, I will do a deep dive into the diversity of mapping on OpenStreetMap, the intricate and challenging data quality problems, learnings from building open tools to aid mappers and how Gabbar, a machine learning based infrastructure, can guard OpenStreetMap from invalid and suspicious edits.
From this talk, I hope to share how open and collaborative projects like OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia are benefitting from open and collaborative machine learning, the opportunities for us as volunteers to build cool and important technology in the open and use the power of AI for a better world for all of us. The intended audience is people interested and/or practicing machine learning to solve data problems as well as people interested and/or contributing to the tech for open projects like OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia.
Edits in a few minutes on OpenStreetMap
Hey, I am Bhargav Kowshik, a Software Engineer at Mapbox, Bengaluru. I build tools to scale data operations at Mapbox. I am passionate about people and communities, open data and technology, creativity and side projects. Previously as the first engineer at Nextdrop, I helped build a platform to track water availability and consumption. You can contact me at:
Jul 2017
24 Mon
25 Tue
26 Wed
27 Thu 08:15 AM – 10:00 PM IST
28 Fri 08:15 AM – 06:25 PM IST
29 Sat
30 Sun
Hosted by
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Bhargav Kowshik
@bkowshik Submitter
Just uploaded my preview video on YouTube at:
Zainab Bawa
Share a two-min preview video explaining what this talk is about and why participants should attend in order to complete the review.
Bhargav Kowshik
@bkowshik Submitter
Sure. I will shoot a two minute preview video over the weekend and share by 28th May, 2017 (Sun)
Zainab Bawa
Is Gabbar open source?
Bhargav Kowshik
@bkowshik Submitter
Yes Zainab, Gabbar is an open source project on Github at: