The Fifth Elephant 2017

On data engineering and application of ML in diverse domains

Deva P. Seetharam


Bits and joules: data-driven energy systems

Submitted Jul 25, 2017

The electricity industry is going through a paradigm shift by moving from centralised generation to distributed energy resources. This talk will give an overview of this shift, discuss how data-driven energy systems are powering this shift, and illustrate the approach through a specific use case of solar plant management. I will also provide some pointers for exploring the space.


The electricity industry is going through a paradigm shift by moving from centralised generation to distributed energy resources. This talk will give an overview of this shift, discuss how data-driven energy systems are powering this shift, and illustrate the approach through a specific use case of solar plant management. I will also provide some pointers for exploring the space.

Speaker bio

Deva recently co-founded DataGlen, a company focused on enabling Distibuted Energy Resources through IoT and big data technologies. Prior to this, he founded and led the Smarter Energy Systems group for IBM Research India. The work done by his group and him were recognised with MIT TR 35 and Indian National Academy of Engineering awards. He has also won best paper awards in top research conferences such as ACM e-Energy and ACM BuildSys.

Prior to IBM, he led France Telecom’s pervasive media research group in Boston. On the entrepreneurial side, he co-founded RadioSherpa, a company that developed innovative HD Radio technologies and applications, and he was instrumental in selling the company to TuneIn Inc, a Google ventures company.

His various projects have been covered by prominent media outlets such as Boston Globe, BBC, IEEE Spectrum, MIT Technology Review, New Scientist, Scientific American, Slashdot and Wired. He has 11 granted US patents and has published more than 50 papers in top research conferences.


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