The Fifth Elephant 2012

Finding the elephant in the data.

Shantanu Gudihal

Emerging techniques in stake holder feedback management

Submitted Jun 6, 2012

Explore the newer techniques in feedback management with the advancements in the field of text analytics.


Appraisal cycles have started. The Employee satisfaction survey surveys have shown a 5-year low.

Your C-SAT results are a mixed bag. No real issue is surfacing, but the topline is shrinking.

Erosion of your standing amongst your stake-holders is difficult to pin-down.

The “Open-Ended” questions may have the minute details, but reading them all is not feasible :(

Also, even if read painstakingly, the task runs the risk of attribution bias: Subjectivity and intuition can be valuable but you are better served by applying an unbiased rule to measure the influence exerted by different topics on the outcome and pick those that stand out. Think impartiality.

Is there a technology implementation which can overcome this?
If yes how can i tap into my “open-ended questions” and link to my structured content?

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