droidconIN 2016

The sixth edition of droidconIN

Minni Arora


Take your Android apps Offline

Submitted Aug 4, 2016

How many times have you opened an app and stared at a loading screen for minutes, only to be confronted with an unpleasant message, “No internet connection”? or even more frustating is when you fill a long form, only to submit and get a message “Cannot be submitted right now, please try again”. Most mobile applications are simply clients that display data received from a server in real time, losing all functionality without an internet connection. How great would it be, if an app worked regardless of network connectivity?

Why offline ?
The Mobile phone network in India though claims to have 4G but in reality the reliability and speed of the network is yet to reach and span whole India. Even in metro cities the continuity of the network is not perfect. In such scenarios it becomes a technical challenge for the engineering teams to come up with solution that allows app users to use the app without worrying about network signal strength or availability.

The offline feature is more challenging in data driven apps because a user has multiple end points through which his data can be changed leading to conflicts. Keeping all of it in sync and maintaining the integrity of data is must.

Take aways
In this session we will learn
How data driven applications can work offline using local data and a seamless sync strategy.
Strategies to resolve sync conflicts.
Best practices while empowering your app to be offline.
Buy 1 get 2 free: Learn how while making the app network independent, you can in turn achieve lot more using this design


  • Find what user’s really need to do even in no network
  • Measure how much is it needed
  • Architecture the app to be useful when in no network conditions
  • Design with basic Mobile design principles in mind
  • Offline queuing
  • Synch adapter and its advantages
  • Retry mechanism
  • How to save the data and still keep it secure
  • Save and optimize even when network is there
  • Measure to show the need for good network is no longer a necessity

Speaker bio

Minni has >9 years of extensive experience in Architecture, Design and Development of Web as well as Mobile applications. She has experience in designing and implementing highly scalable and highly available architectures with optimized continuous integration and delivery platforms. She has worked in all phases of Software development life cycle in capacity of Evangelist, Architect, Tech Lead and Developer. She has presented many papers and received many awards including TopGun and Hackathon prizes at her company. Currently working as a technical architect with Naukri.com




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