droidconIN 2015

The fifth edition of droidconIN

Pranay Airan


Pulse check your android app with Stetho

Submitted Sep 14, 2015

Accelerating app devlopement and debugging process with Facebook’s Stetho.


Stetho is a sophisticated debug bridge for Android applications. When enabled, developers have access to the Chrome Developer Tools feature natively part of the Chrome desktop browser. In this Crisp talk we will see all the features Stetho offers and how it can accelerate your app debugging and development.

We will see how Steho can help you in

  • Network Inspection
  • Database Inspection
  • Share Preference inspection
  • View Hierarchy
  • Dump App


Basic understanding of android application development

Speaker bio

Pranay is an experienced Android developer based out of Bangalore, India. He currently works with Intuit as Senior mobile developer and has devloped apps with 1,000,000 downloads https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.intuit.turbotax.mobile

He is a seasoned speaker and has given talks in various events like droidcon, Barcamp, android meetups etc. He is active contributor in Indian android ecosystem leading BlrDroid community (http://www.meetup.com/blrdroid/) – one of the largest Android user groups in the world, as an organizer.

He also loves devloping apps for India and has various apps in google play with more than 150K downloads and 4.2 avg rating. https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Pranay+Airan

You can say hello to him on twitter (@pranayairan)




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