droidconIN 2015

The fifth edition of droidconIN

Pranay Airan


Forget SQLite and say hello to Realm

Submitted Sep 14, 2015

To introduce no sql database for mobile apps and to show how it can be used for Android development as replacement of sqllite.


Screw SQLite with no SQL databse designed for mobile. Realm is not an ORM on top of SQLite. Instead it uses its own persistence engine, built for simplicity (& speed). A true cross platform solution that replaces sqllite and core data on android and iOS.

Most android apps requires a persistance storage to provide caching and offline functionalities in the app. Currently there are very limited options avialble for persitance storage, most people rely on SQLite or file storage. If app’s backend is no sql there is an additional overhead of conversion with SQLite. SQLites api’s on android are complicated, most people inturn uses additional ORM layer on the top adding additional complexity.

In this talk we will be talking about Realm, how to use it in your app, perfomrance comparison for read, write, updates. Some pros and cons of using Realm vs sqllite. We will also be comparing realm agains CouchDB Lite another no SQL database for mobile from CouchDB team.

Here is a brief outline of what we will be covering :

=> Why a new database

  • Overview about sqllite, normalizations, pitfalls, queries
  • Lets look at some other mobile db options available, ORMs, other no sql
    => What is realm
  • More info about realm
  • Info about object references,zero copy etc
  • How Realm is good for mobile
    => Benchmark realm agains other db
    => Architecture of android apps with realm
    -zero cpy
  • annotations
  • realm proxy
  • pojo
    => Lets see some code
  • Add realm in app
  • Realm Queries, Schemas, Migration, Encryption in relam world
  • adapters, notifications with real app example
    => realm browser, stetho integration.
    => Realm limitations and some info about other DB like couchbase lite.


Basic understanding of Android application development, understanding of SQLite on android. Knowledge of any existing ORM on top if SQLite will help.

Speaker bio

Pranay is an experienced Android developer based out of Bangalore, India. He currently works with Intuit as Senior mobile developer and has developed apps with 1,000,000 downloads https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.intuit.turbotax.mobile

He is a seasoned speaker and has given talks in various events like droidcon, Barcamp, android meetups etc. He is an active contributor in Indian android ecosystem, leading BlrDroid community (http://www.meetup.com/blrdroid/) – one of the largest Android developer groups in the world, as an organizer.

He also loves developing apps for India and has various apps in google play with more than 150K downloads and 4.2 avg rating. https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=Pranay+Airan

You can say hello to him on twitter (@pranayairan)


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