Nov 2012
29 Mon
30 Tue
31 Wed
1 Thu
2 Fri 10:00 AM – 05:00 PM IST
3 Sat 10:00 AM – 05:00 PM IST
4 Sun
Priyanka Parihar
-- > Basic understanding of Push Notifications.
-- > Detailed understanding about “Push Notifications” in the following technologies :
GCM , PhoneGap , XTify, Worklight, Urban Airship.
-- > Demo Applications.
-- > Comparing the performances.
In this session, we will be discussing about “Push Notifications” using different technologies. The technologies included:
GCM - which is the native android way of showing push notifications
PhoneGap - using PhoneGap SDK
XTify - which is a push notification platform
Urban Airship - using Urban Airship Mobile Technology
Worklight - which is a cross platform.
We will also be discussing the pros and cons of the technologies listed above.
We ( Shravani Kanchi ,Priyanka Parihar, Vineela Adapala ), are Developers at Purple Talk Inc. with 2 years of android experience.
Shravani Kanchi will be dealing with “XTify”
Vineela Adapala will be dealing with “GCM” and “Urban Airship”
Priyanka Parihar will be dealing with “PhoneGap” and “Worklight”
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