Srijan Sharma


How to give one? A Presentation.

Submitted Dec 21, 2014

The objective of the session will be to give an insight into how to give an engaging presentation which keeps the audidence attentive, entertained and at the same time delivers the message that one wishes to convey.


Need to impress a lot of people? It’s about time you learn how to give one hell of a presentation. A presentation is not only about a few slides that you prepare to show off to people. It is more about how you present yourself and your ideas to them. The power that lies in the way of presentation and oration. It’s about you standing there in front of a certain group of people who take have taken out time only to listen to you. So, make sure that you make the best use of the time you have at your disposal. So, for those of you who have read ‘Julius Caesar’ a presentation is what Mark Anthony gave to change the course of history. I will be sharing with you my insights on how to make an awesome presentation because what you PRESENT matters.


An open mind.

Speaker bio

Entrepreneur, designer, photographer (temporarily without a camera) and well, a student (for life). I love to create, to generate and to make what people term as ‘interesting content’. Motivational talks, public speaking, debate and research are other among my favourite pass times. On the brighter side of things, I run a creative arts platform/firm called 365 Degrees which is in all terms a reflection of my inner self. Bubbling with amazing out of the box ideas and concepts I live in hope that someday, someone will do what it takes to ‘become’, and that someone would be me.




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