Feb 2015
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri
28 Sat 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM IST
1 Sun
Feb 2015
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri
28 Sat 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM IST
1 Sun
Abhisht A Pathak
Submitted Dec 20, 2014
The objective of my talk is to spread the two messages, one is that passion is something which one should look out for. Passion empowers you towards a better and much more succesful life.
The second interest is in spreading the importance of decision making. The importance of first learning to follow so as tobe able to decide and it is this exercise which brings you ont he path of leadership. Leadership, which which is the skill to able to brng change to ones surrounding.
I am a student. I am undergoing B tech course in the field of aerospace engineering and I am currently in my 3rd year. I am a science enthusiast and I very much like technology, but I learnt, in my past three years, that science and technology are, what I call, my interests. I took a small turn following my interests in my career path. Interests are not the wrong choice but passion is the choice to achieve the success you want, the selfsatisfaction you want. My passion being Entrepreneurial Challenges, I have been a part and initiator of activities in this field. I found my passion on the path of completing my engineering course, as do many other students, not all, but many. One decsion, where you dont get satisfaction does not meant that what you did was wrong,it means that you are about to follow the right path, the path to better the world for you and for people around you.
I would require pens and papers during my session for the audience. I would like to engage the crowd in activities, small yet influencing.
Class Institution Score
X Sanskar School, Jaipur 87.5%
XII DAV Public School, Patna 80%
B.Tech SRM University, Chennai 6.9
• Strong verbal communication and writing skills along with appreciable technical aptitude.
• Have fair knowledge about business management and people handling.
• Fair knowledge of computer programming languages like SQL and JAVA.
• Have been a dynamic team worker as well as team leader in numerous organisations and Events.
• Straight forward and goal oriented working methodology.
• Thinking out of the box capability.
• Human resource management and operational resource management.
Projects and Internships:
• Have completed 2 fifteen days training on Tank Technology in the defence sector and also on the missile systems used in the tanks, specialising in different tank missiles.
• A social entrepreneurship project under the international organisation Enactus.
• Have undertaken Youth Empowerment as my social responsibility, which I am pursuing through a student run organisation, founded by me.
Experiences and Achievements:
Business and Management:
• Have been a part of a successfully running start up, named 365 Degrees, as the VP human resource and literary domain head.
• Have been the Human resource Manager/ Talent Manager for enactus, a project based on the idea of social entrepreneurship, for the year 2013-14.
• Have my own start up based on educaional front and another one running on Home keeping.
• Have been a part of SRM University Techno- Management fest as a volunteer, Committee Member and as a Committee Head.
• Have successfully organised two workshops, one on photography and one on Web Designing.
• Sponsorship, Finance and ORM – Committee Member in SRM MUN2013
• Delegation at TIMUN’14 held at IIT Powai and SRM MUN.
• Organizing Committee Member in class 10th school fest.
• Remote Controlled Aircraft Design Workshop participation (2013).
• Remote Controlled Line Follower Robot Workshop participation (2012).
School Level:
• Inter School Debates both in English and Hindi
• National level Extempore Competitions, Declamations and various leadership activities.
Feb 2015
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri
28 Sat 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM IST
1 Sun
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