Sumantro Mukherjee


Cross Platform Game Dev with Construct 2

Submitted Jan 13, 2015

Gaming has been a major part of the industry for some good time now.With the rise of cross platform development the developers can now write the code once and deploy them on all the major platfomrs. The main objective is to grow the awareness of game dev as career and doing so building a strong community who can later join Indie Game Devs.After this, The talk will address all the fellow devs who can start building their games WITHOUT writing a single line of code with Construct 2 and port it across various platform.


The talk will give an overview of how the game engine works and what is cross platform game dev.Construct 2 is a Game Creation Studio and its designed to make the developer very fluent with the logic building and the flow of the game.The framework behind Construct 2 is the basic HTML5 hence its not that hard to master in a short period of time.The key points will be to take the basic idea of a game and making the game in about 1 hr and finally showing how to port it.


A laptop and a smooth internet connection.Although if the Construct 2 is pre downloaded in the laptop then there is no need for the connetion , since everything is offline!

Speaker bio

Co Founder of Geek Monkey Studios. App Reviewer at Global Firefox OS Marketplace.Webmaker Mentor.Microsoft Specialist in C# and HTML5,CSS3 & JS.


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