Monica Pillai

@monicapillai Proposing

Bicycle maintenance 101

Submitted Dec 23, 2014

We love bikes that run well. We are the first bike store in Bangalore to actively train cyclists to do basic maintenance on their bicycles, so they run smooth, run well, run safe. And cyclists don’t need to come to us unless serious intervention is needed (or unless they miss us and want our scintillating company :D)


Our strategic partners, Park Tool, USA are the world’s best bicycle maintenance tool manufacturers. We’re the only bike shop in India to be trained in their curriculum and pass that on to others. (more here -

Here’s the basics that are covered:

  • Parts of a bicycle
  • How to avoid a puncture
  • How to fix a puncture
  • Taking your wheels apart for transporting the cycle in a car
  • Basic cleaning of chain, cassette, all other moving parts
  • Cleaning all cables
  • Putting it all back


Just an open questing mind and a pair of hands :)

We provide the bicycles, the tools, the ppt - all of it. At the 101 level, this is more of a show-and-tell sort of session, not a complete DIY. People can choose to observe or pitch in and DIY if their comfort level permits.

Speaker bio

Pavan Muthanna & Nikhil Ram Mohan: Pavan & Nikhil are partners who run Crankmeister Bicycle Works. In the last (almost) 2 years of existence, this business has grown to being one of the best places for a cycle to get TLC in the country’s cycling HQ - Bangalore. They like to call themselves co-cranks and run the store in the true spirit of a LBS (Local Bike Store, for cycle aficionados). Both of them not just have a good knowledge of everything cyclnig realated, they also have a seriously mechanical mindset and are happy to wrench (thats cyclist speak for being a bike mech) and are often seen fighting for the working on various bikes.

Pavan: After 14 years in various corporate roles, the latest being as Head of Retail and Projects at Indus League, Pavan gave it up to start a business that would keep him connected to the great outdoors, and with his need for working in the sports business, and get to do mech stuff. Pavan is trained at the Harvard U of cycling - United Bicycle Institute, Portland. Pavan relishes road rides, cross country rides and dreams of owning a stable of a dozen bikes. When not riding, he is running or climbing mountains or reading up on history, with military history being a favourite.

Nikhil: Nikhil used to be race director for the much loved long distance running races at Runners For Life. When a chance to work with his beloved cycles came along, he switched gears smoothly and has been making cyclists and potential cyclists happy with his patient explaining of all things cycle. Nikhil is a mountain biker, who has a newfound love for downhilling. When Nikhil isnt cycling or fixing cycles, he is out riding motorbikes.



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