Construkt Launchpad (Finale)

Launch your startup at Construkt

Avani Parekh


Sex + Relationships + Tech = LoveDoctor

Submitted Dec 19, 2014

The objective of this session is to introduce and launch the LoveDoctor android app, a platform to ask confidential questions about sex and relationships to experts in real-time.


LoveDoctor is a social enterprise aiming to create a spae where we can ask questions about taboo topics confidentially and get expert answers. We answer both fact based questions on sexual health using medical experts, as well as provide a space to discuss more subjective issues like relationships.

We are luanching our android app here to get your feedback and talk about why sex education and having these discussions is so important to having a healthy intimate life and fulfilling relationships free of violence, fear, and disease.



Speaker bio

Avani Parekh is a serial social entrepreneur and social enterprise consultant with over 14 years experience in the socent sector in India, Kenya, and the US. Her newest venture is called LoveDoctor and is a service to bring confidential sex and healthy relationship advice to youth using chat, sms, and email. She’s an active Startup Weekend organizer and facilitator, lover of Zumba, and former Kiva and LGT Venture Philanthropy fellow.



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