Construkt Crawls

Startups open their doors to share their learnings

Jyotsna Pattabiraman


Re-Inventing SAAS for India

Submitted Feb 5, 2015

Customers Acquisations & Pricing, for success in india and emerging markets


Knowlarity is the succesful SAAS based Cloud Telephony Platform in india.We will help you understand how we reinvented the rules to make the product successful.Learn the journey of the product while we share lessons on product design & customer acquisations.

Speaker bio

One draws power by just watching Jo Pattabiraman,a Stanford graduate in action. She multitasks like a supercomputer, reads like a robot, and speaks seven languages. After Oracle,Yahoo and eBay, she was a founder of Unamia, an online store for kids’ apparel.Currently heading the marketing team as Senior Vice President at knowlarity communications, she is an inspiration to many.She is also a mentor at Stanford Ignite in Bangalore


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