Libre, not Gratis

Rohit Londhe


TripleO (OpenStack On OpenStack) Project

Submitted Feb 13, 2019

TripleO i.e OpenStack on OpenStack is an upstream project using which the OpenStack cloud is made. It uses OpenStack’s own cloud facilities as the foundation.

This session covers the following things.

How to contribute to TripleO project
TripleO Deployment workflow
Using tripleo-heat-templates
Containerized undercloud and overcloud deployment
Deployment using Ansible
Fast Forward Upgrade


The Main focus will be on Contribution to OpenSource project - TripleO
TripleO components and their role in this project.
Deployment coverage using Ansible
TripleO Upgrades


Microphone, Display Projector.

Speaker bio

My name is Rohit Londhe and I’m working with Red Hat from past 2 years, I being a part of Open Source community for the OpenStack Cloud spent most of my time in troubleshooting this product for its best use.
Meanwhile, I spent my weekends in delivering sessions on Open Source technology and attending meetups.
My recent session was held in Bangalore at International DevConf.


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