Libre, not Gratis

Ankit Gadgil


Building your own Software Architecture

Submitted Feb 12, 2019

Starting a new project or reviewing the architecture of an existing one, this session may help you make the right decisions.
We will capture and go through a list of checkpoints and considerations that should be made when starting to work on architecture of a project, planning, drafting a solution and execution of the same.
Useful to developers, product owners, and architects involved in a project to ensure that they are taking a comprehensive view of a project when considering the impacts both within and without.
The talk is ~50 mins long.
10 mins reserved for Questions.


  • Brief about Software Achitecture
  • New Features
  • Project values
  • Drafting a Solution
  • Assumptions and Considerations
  • Sign off/Check in


Projector and mic

Speaker bio

Ankit Gadgil is an Open Source enthusiast who believes in Privacy by design. He is an open web advocate who believes the web should be equally accessible to all for equal opportunity.
He likes engineering software through comprehensive architecture and design.
Ankit is a mozilla community mentor, mozilla Reps Peer and a tech speaker.
As a day job he contributes code at Red Hat and enjoys working with Python and JS. While travelling he enjoys reading books and has a keen interest in the history of the place he is visiting.
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