Cartonama Conference
Making the most of geospatial data, community mapping, and location-based services.
Sep 2012
17 Mon
18 Tue
19 Wed
20 Thu
21 Fri
22 Sat 10:00 AM – 04:30 PM IST
23 Sun
Making the most of geospatial data, community mapping, and location-based services.
Sep 2012
17 Mon
18 Tue
19 Wed
20 Thu
21 Fri
22 Sat 10:00 AM – 04:30 PM IST
23 Sun
Kristine Gali
Submitted Aug 22, 2012
To demistify the current address system used throughout India. An explanation of the many complications associated with getting from point A to point B.
Ever wondered how useful your home ‘address’ ACTUALLY is? How long SHOULD it take for a letter to travel 15,000km to suburban India? Or, how many times should your driver be allowed to ask for directions before being excessive??
This is an open ended discussion driven by the problems encountered when attempting to locate people on a household basis. We will discuss how much information is actually needed to pinpoint a location and how proper mapping can improve the efficiency of this system for several industries such as municipal utilities, e-commerce, general billing, recreation, etc.
In general, what are our current limitations in mapping and when/where does it make sense to begin mapping community based, spatial knowledge? After a brief introduction to the challenges we’ve faced and the solutions we’ve come up with, this session will act as a platform for creativity and endless mapping possibilities. Share your past experiences, innovative suggestions, and future solutions!
An open mind.
Kristine Gali is the Product Development Manager at NextDrop, a social enterprise focused on piped water supply. She’s committed to increasing the transparency between employees on the field and engineers in the office. Her interests revolve around mapping and navigation systems that are efficient in both suburban/rural neighborhoods as well as large urban cities.
Finally, she just wants to know how her delayed airport luggage arrived at her doorstep without any address attached at all!
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