The Fifth Elephant 2015 POC: How to slice, dice & search billions of users events in seconds (from scratch)results from a proof of concept business intelligence tool, where each bit in a multi-billion bitmap, represented a user performing an event. a minimal 100 LOC implementation gave encouraging results, and also areas that could improve - caveats, ideas to roll out your own BI tool. more
Section: Crisp Talk
Technical level: Beginner
The Fifth Elephant 2015 Instrumenting your kafka & storm pipelinetips to design your stream processing setup. what all can go wrong, how to instrument it. more
Section: Full Talk
Technical level: Intermediate
50p 2017 B2B payments in India - Are we all in the credit business?With late payments being the norm & other macro-econonomic factors in India - Are most companies in the credit business? A talk about pre-paid, post-paid, and everything in between for businesses that depend on payments from other startups/businesses - to survive and thrive. more
Technical level: Beginner