Anthill Inside 2017

On theory and concepts in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Formerly Deep Learning Conf.

Vijay Ramakrishnan


Deep Learning approaches for Named Entity Recognition

Submitted Jul 13, 2017

Using a Bi-Directional LSTM network we were able to achieve state of the art accuracies on Named Entity Data on WNUT 2016 Twitter Noisy data.


  • Introduction on Named Entity Recognition and why it is important for voice assistants
  • Introduction on prior approaches taken for NER
  • Describe the LSTM model and how it’s better than existing approaches
  • Demo the model on Tensorflow

Speaker bio

Vijay Ramakrishnan is a machine learning engineer at Cisco, after his company, Mindmeld, was acquired by Cisco in June 2017. He is interested in deep learning approaches to NLP and self driving applications.



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