Anthill Inside 2017

On theory and concepts in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Formerly Deep Learning Conf.

Rebanta Dutta

@anthillevent Proposing

AI: Unleashing the next wave

Submitted Jul 17, 2017

This talk provides with a high-level overview of Intel’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) vision and product portfolios. This talks starts with where Intel sees opportunity in various verticals and industries for AI and we will take one example of Intel’s comprehensive AI strategy in action. This talk gives overview on both hardware, software portfolio and also our developer outreach programs and engagements and a good primer for detailed technical talk later in the day by Intel Corporation


This talk provides with a high-level overview of Intel’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) vision and product portfolios. This talks starts with where Intel sees opportunity in various verticals and industries for AI and we will take one example of Intel’s comprehensive AI strategy in action. This talk gives overview on both hardware, software portfolio and also our developer outreach programs and engagements and a good primer for detailed technical talk later in the day by Intel Corporation

Speaker bio

Milind Hanchinmani : Director, Data center and IOT Enabling - APJ, Intel Corporation

Milind is currently the director of Developer Relations Division @ Intel focusing on IOT and Data center. In this role he focuses on developing the software solutions market across APJ. Milind drives engineering, developer and partner marketing with ISV’s, Academia and software developers in the region across data center, IOT.
Milind joined Intel in 2001 and was part of Intel onsite team at Microsoft, Redmond helping in improvements in the quality and performance of three generations of the Microsoft® .NET Framework for Intel Architecture. Before that he was part of onsite team Microsoft, Redmond in validating compilers and performance improvements for Intel® Architecture. He has great expertise about performance, scalability, benchmarking
Milind has degree BE in Computer Science & Engg from SDM College of Engineering, Dharwad.


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