Speculative Futures & #WorkFromHome

Speculative Futures & #WorkFromHome

Possible Workplaces Evolving In India

Speculative Futures & #WorkFromHome

Can you hear me ? Did my avatar fly away ? Are you sitting inside a shikara ? The chart is not visible on my watch ? Hey Siri! tell Mike to send me his report by tonight ? Are you taking this call from your sleep pods ? Sorry!! My desk wants to go on a sun-walk ?

What questions come to your mind, when post-covid work has changed its meaning...

We look at plausible, speculative, “truth-is-stranger-than-fiction”, amusing scenarios around #wfh a.k.a. work from home conditions. So anyone who has or who is planning to get on the #wfh bandwagon is invited to participate/ideate/speculate in this online meetup.

We will begin with a small forecasting activity to peek into (possible visions) the future - where major organized sectors have adopted “working without an office” phenomenon.

Please join in with your desktop/laptop/tablet as we will be using Miro. Tablets may require installing the app.

Time: 3:00-3:45pm on Sunday, 19th July 2020
Venue: Online Meetup
Join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/93106529356?pwd=T0ZNU2lwZ0NPckdPT3piK05zSnRvZz09 ( We invite you to join the Zoom meeting if you’d like to participate in the discussion segment, however, please note that the Zoom session will be livestreamed on Youtube/Socials and might be recorded. If you wouldn’t like your name/image to be shown, kindly let us know in advance )
Participants: Everyone who is dreading or excited for the next Zoom call from Office.
Format: We will open with a short intro to the scope of the meet. Followed with small 5-10min mini exercise about individual thoughts about working from home scenarios. Finishing with an open forum discussion on our collective visions.
Please join in with your desktop/laptop/tablet as we will be using Miro. Tablets may require installing the app.
( We hope that many of us have learned the ettiquettes of online discussions by now, regards to #covidlockdown & #wfh. )

About a4 / aChaar

a4 / aChaar is an inititative to explore speculative design, critical design & design futures, seeded by the design practitioners, Dhruv(@decoydhruv) and Praveen (@imp8lite). As design researchers, we find this domain to be quite exciting, inclusive and full of crazy surprises. We want to map out toolkits to help foster the culture of speculation and futures thinking amongst creatives, technologists, academics, students e.t.c.
We have been piloting extrapolatory discourses through our community of fellow design practitioners. We have conducted workshops & open discussions over future scopes of alternative dissents, apprenticeship in crafts, with a particular focus in the Indian handmade context.


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Speculative Futures & #WorkFromHome

Speculative Futures & #WorkFromHome

Dhruv Saxena & Praveen Sinha

2 hours19 July 2020

Hosted by

a4 / aChaar is an inititative to explore speculative design, critical design & design futures, founded by design practitioners, Dhruv and Praveen. As design-researchers, we find this domain to be quite exciting, inclusive and full of crazy surprises. We want to map out toolkits to help foster the c… more