Jun 2020
22 Mon
23 Tue
24 Wed
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26 Fri
27 Sat
28 Sun 03:00 PM – 03:45 PM IST
Jun 2020
22 Mon
23 Tue
24 Wed
25 Thu
26 Fri
27 Sat
28 Sun 03:00 PM – 03:45 PM IST
Introduction to Speculative Achaar
We will be talking about speculative design and design futures and how we have been navigating through this journey taking cues from Indian context of cultural and socio economic structure. Our agenda is to eventually map out various toolkits to help foster the culture of speculation and futures thinking and to document & share our process(es) along this journey.
In the second half of the session, we invite you to propose topics feeding your curiosities so we can plan a second meet-up and take a short sprint on futures.
Want to know more about Speculative Design & Futures Thinking ?
Here are few links to help put things on the desk :
Dunne & Raby
Teacher of Algorithm
Futures Design
Time: 3:00-3:45pm on Sunday, 28th June 2020
Venue: Online Meetup
Link to Join: Register to receive Zoom meeting link. (We invite you to join the Zoom meeting if you’d like to participate in the discussion segment, however, please note that the Zoom session will be livestreamed on Youtube/Socials and might be recorded. If you wouldn’t like your name/image to be shown, kindly let us know in advance)
Participants: Open to everyone who enjoys some sunday afternoon banters.
Format: After the short presentation, it will be open for all discussion.
(We hope that many of us have learned the ettiquettes of online discussions by now, regards to #covidlockdown & #wfh.)
About a4 / aChaar
a4 / aChaar is an inititative to explore speculative design, critical design & design futures, seeded by the design practitioners, Dhruv(@decoydhruv) and Praveen (@imp8lite). As design researchers, we find this domain to be quite exciting, inclusive and full of crazy surprises. We want to map out toolkits to help foster the culture of speculation and futures thinking amongst creatives, technologists, academics, students e.t.c.
We have been piloting extrapolatory discourses through our community of fellow design practitioners. We have conducted workshops & open discussions over future scopes of alternative dissents, apprenticeship in crafts, with a particular focus in the Indian handmade context.
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