The Committee of Experts (CoE), led by Kris Gopalakrishnan, has released a revised report on the Non-Personal Data (NPD) Framework (NPD Version 2) report on 16 December 2020. The revised NPD report is available at

The CoE is inviting comments and responses to the revised report, the deadline for which is 27 January 2021.

Add your submissions - responses, comments, questions - to Version 2 here. The Privacy Mode team will consolidate the responses and share with the CoE in January 2021, when launching responses to Version 1 of the report.

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  • Subhashish Bhadra

    NPD Committee should tighten incentives and accountability for different stakeholders

    There’s much to like in this new report. First among them is the fact that it restricts itself to a narrow goal — of opening up non-personal data for public good purposes. It explicitly stays away from being a general non-personal data governance framework, which would have included direct government access to such data and B2B sharing of data (as was there in the first report). While not explici… more

    18 Jan 2021

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