Feb 2022
14 Mon
15 Tue
16 Wed
17 Thu
18 Fri 12:00 PM – 04:00 PM IST
19 Sat
20 Sun
Shiva Nandan, software engineer at Juspay, will talk about how Juspay used Rescript to accelerate and supercharge custom payment pages within Juspay.
Rescript is a strongly typed, functional programming language that compiles to Javascript, and can be used to create robust web applications.
Participants will learn how to leverage the Rescript ecoystem and tooling to build performant and maintainable applications, and use functional programming and the strong type system of Recript to eliminate runtime errors in production, resulting in more reliable and maintainable code.
This talk will be held at Juspay’s office in Kormangala tomorrow, 8 July.
Participants must come to the second floor. The talk will start at 12 PM.
Rust India’s July meet-up will be held on the 3rd floor. Rust India meet-up starts at 10:30 AM.
Venue host - Juspay - has organized lunch for participants (on the terrace) after the talk.
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