50p 2018

50p 2018

India's first independent conference on payments and the payment ecosystem

Poorna V.


Art of building an Highly Available Large Scale Payments Processing System

Submitted Dec 11, 2017

In the fast changing world, where money has moved from physical form to cloud, with millennials getting into the mainstream, technology changing everyday, physical stores being replaced with virtual ones, the way to pay and get paid, the way the commerce is conducted has drastically changed. Technology has shrunk the size of the globe, and brought people closer to each other surpassing all the boundaries, making the global commerce a common everyday phenomena. Internet and mobile has integrated Online and Offline world seamlessly, making Omni-channel commerce like “Buy Online Pickup/Return Instore”, “Order online, pay in store”, the way of life. With cash-less economy, changing the regulations and outlook of economy, the amount of payments happening digitally, across the globe is growing exponentially. This brings in the requirements for the payments system to be highly available, with higher reliability, and scale quickly to the growing needs of the global customers and the global markets.

This talk would explain the needs for highly available system that can autoscale, with greater throughput,
the technology choices that needs to be considered, how each of these would directly contribute to building highly scalable system, which will directly reflect on your topline and bottomline.


The flow of the talk would be:

  1. Introduction to Changing Payments Landscape
  2. Sneak peek into growing Scale of Payments
  3. Weak links in the system, brings down your trust - How to identify them?
  4. Consitency or Availability - Listen to your customers!!
  5. Resiliency is must - No drops. Every single payment is important for your customer!
  6. Design for auto scale and shrink
  7. Be extremely Lean and Agile - to help keep up with the rapid change
  8. Your network is your networth for a successful global payments processing
  9. Stand in for your friends, to serve your customers!
  10. Throughput is your currency - key to scale the business
  11. Designing for future of payments - anticipate change!

Each of the above will be explained with:

  1. Example of the technical Problem that was encoutered

  2. How to identify the criticality??
    a. What is business impact if this is not handled?
    b. What is the customer impact?

  3. The Solve
    What options were discussed?
    Why we choose the current solution?

Highly Available Large Scale systems are not only about technical challenges. It is an extremely complex art. It is all about building trust as they form the basis of the digital economy.

Speaker bio

Poorna Vaidyanathan is Engineering Manager at PayPal, with 12+ years of extensive Payments Platform experience. Poorna is currently focusing on re-architecting PayPal’s large scale Settlement Platform into a highly available platform with greater throughput. Poorna is highly passionate about Payments, constantly striving to simplify solutions, that would make Payments simpler for everyone.

Full Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/poornavaidyanathan/


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