Jan 2017
23 Mon
24 Tue 08:10 AM – 06:05 PM IST
25 Wed 08:30 AM – 06:25 PM IST
26 Thu
27 Fri
28 Sat
29 Sun
Submitted Nov 16, 2016
Demonetisation is an example of a “Black Swan” event - it is rare, has extreme impact, and in retrospect seems predictable. And it is human nature to seek explanations and rationalisations for these events. However, what gets missed in the discussion chaos that ensues is the real data-story about the event. This talk is an attempt to share a data-driven perspective about #demonetisation and to help you build a grounded foundation for your own narrative.
This is an interactive data visualisation story about #demonetisation. The aim would be to cover the following topics:
This will be a data driven perspective and all the data & visualisation made will be open-source, documented and available on the web for participants to build upon. We hope this would lead to a more richer and more nuanced discussion on this topic.
Amit Kapoor is interested in learning and teaching the craft of telling visual stories with data. He is the founder partner at narrativeVIZ Consulting, where he teaches data-science, data-visualisation and data-stories as tools for improving communication, persuasion, and leadership and conducts workshops on these topics for businesses, nonprofits, and academic institutes. You can find more about him at http://amitkaps.com and tweet him at @amitkaps.
The analytics for this talk will be support by Nischal and Raghotham - founders at Unnati Data Labs. Unnati is a full stack data-science shop and they help businesses build data platforms. You can check them out at http://www.unnati.xyz/
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