Rootconf 2019
Rootconf For members

Rootconf 2019

On infrastructure security, DevOps and distributed systems.



##About Rootconf 2019:
The seventh edition of Rootconf is a two-track conference with:

  1. Security talks and tutorials in audi 1 and 2 on 21 June.
  2. Talks on DevOps, distributed systems and SRE in audi 1 and audi 2 on 22 June.

##Topics and schedule:
View full schedule here:

Rootconf 2019 includes talks and Birds of Feather (BOF) sessions on:

  1. OSINT and its applications
  2. Key management, encryption and its costs
  3. Running a bug bounty programme in your organization
  4. PolarDB architecture as Cloud Native Architecture, developed by Alibaba Cloud
  5. Vitess
  6. SRE and running distributed teams
  7. Routing security
  8. Log analytics
  9. Enabling SRE via automated feedback loops
  10. TOR for DevOps

##Who should attend Rootconf?

  1. DevOps programmers
  2. DevOps leads
  3. Systems engineers
  4. Infrastructure security professionals and experts
  5. DevSecOps teams
  6. Cloud service providers
  7. Companies with heavy cloud usage
  8. Providers of the pieces on which an organization’s IT infrastructure runs -- monitoring, log management, alerting, etc
  9. Organizations dealing with large network systems where data must be protected
  10. VPs of engineering
  11. Engineering managers looking to optimize infrastructure and teams

For information about Rootconf and bulk ticket purchases, contact or call 7676332020. Only community sponsorships available.

##Rootconf 2019 sponsors:

#Platinum Sponsor


#Gold Sponsors

Atlassian Endurance Trusting Social

#Silver Sponsors

Digital Ocean GO-JEK Paytm

#Bronze Sponsors

MySQL sumo logic upcloud
platform sh nilenso CloudSEK

#Exhibition Sponsor

FreeBSD Foundation

#Community Sponsors

Ansible PlanetScale

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We care about site reliability, cloud costs, security and data privacy

rahul bajaj


Metal as a Service: Foreman Discovery

Submitted Feb 11, 2019

When we talk about the cloud, we usually hear of Paas, Saas, and Iaas. This talk introduces Maas i.e Metal as a Service to the audience. Foreman is an open source project that helps system administrators manage server throughout their life-cycle, from provisioning and configuration to orchestration and monitoring.

This talk consists of a brief introduction to the Foreman Project and Foreman Discovery, followed by a deep understanding of Maas and how it is implemented in Foreman Discovery. Lastly, the aim of this talk would be to encourage newbies to contribute to the Foreman Project and Foreman Discovery.


Introduction to Baremetal Provisioning

  • Discovery as MaaS.
  • IPMI.
  • PXE.
  • IPXE.

Discovering a host using Foreman Discovery

  • Demo for discovering a host.
  • Fact parsing in Discovery.

Discovery functioning and Deep Dive

  • Auto-provisioning.
  • Reboot Feature.
  • Post provisioners (Puppet/Ansible).


Understanding the Linux boot process and basics about the Linux operating system is a plus. Else, the urge to learn new things is a must.

Speaker bio

Rahul is a Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is a Rubyist, open source enthusiast and upstream contributor. He contributes mostly to the Foreman project and is the co-maintainer of the Foreman Discovery plugin. Being a Red Hat Certified Architect, he takes interest in learning about containers, configuration management tools, and security. He loves to travel, code and talk.


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We care about site reliability, cloud costs, security and data privacy