Fringe and Geekery

Fringe Topics and Geekery Track of The Goa Project 2016

Jeeva Anna George


Writing an Autobiography and Fact Book in your 30's - The First of its Kind in India

Submitted Jan 17, 2016

Talk about why I would be asked to write an Autobiography and how to go about it and the TGP connect .


A talk on the details of How Publishers reach out to anyone who has unique story provided you are the right time and the right person spots you maybe at TGP.

Speaker bio

Economist turned Entrepreneur who is now an Author!


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#The Goa Project Funnel The Goa Project is an unconference - where unlike a typical conference, the talks are not put together by a panel or knowledge partner - but is proposed by the attendees themselves. You propose a session or talk that might be of interest to the audience at the unconference, … more