Interactive Media and Cinema
Interactive Media and Cinema track of The Goa Project 2016
Feb 2016
15 Mon
16 Tue
17 Wed
18 Thu
19 Fri 09:00 AM – 09:25 AM IST
20 Sat 09:00 AM – 09:25 AM IST
21 Sun
Mulchand Dedhia
Building a new art form: Photo PasteUps
A recent art trip to Berlin resulted in discovery of new art form by undergrdound photographers called PasteUps. The city has seen an increase in number of photo paste ups due to its easy and creative form.
Mulchand has hosted over 150+ photowalks and photography workshops. He has been hoasting national and international exhibitions on behalf of Behance as well as photo tours for Photo Konnect. He currates photographers for brands and teaches in Media collage when he is not buy driving his rickshaw.
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