Interactive Media and Cinema

Interactive Media and Cinema track of The Goa Project 2016

Through this track we are keen to explore a whole range of topics/areas/subjects which fall under Cinema and/or Interactive Media.

Some of the broad areas for consideration (under which the topics can come under) include

Business of Cinema-be it anything to do with marketing of movies, distribution/release strategy,raising funds-be it for pre-production/production/post production, alternate revenue models,alternate ways of reaching target audience etc.

Creative Process- conceptualizing to execution, topics falling under the creative areas including writing and direction like how to conceptualize a web series, art of storyboarding for films & television etc.

Interactive Media & convergence with Entertainment- synergy between interactive media (like video sharing platforms-Youtube/Vimeo/Dailymotion etc) with cinema/music/T.V etc

Miscellaneous-anything connected to Cinema and/or Interactive Media which does not fall under points 1, 2 &3.categories for example-film criticism,future of interactive media,adaptation of books and plays into films etc., censorship in cinema, how to make you app stand out amidst the clutter,how can podcasting serve as means of promoting a brand/movie etc.

The above categories and/or topics are just suggestions to give you an idea of what we are looking at broadly. We welcome wacky, innovative and experimental stuff provided they meet all other criteria’s.

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#The Goa Project Funnel The Goa Project is an unconference - where unlike a typical conference, the talks are not put together by a panel or knowledge partner - but is proposed by the attendees themselves. You propose a session or talk that might be of interest to the audience at the unconference, … more