Oct 2018
22 Mon
23 Tue
24 Wed
25 Thu
26 Fri 09:00 AM – 09:15 AM IST
27 Sat 09:00 AM – 09:15 AM IST
28 Sun
Birendra singh
Now a days the artists are practicing woodcut prints but some where in a corner not reaching to the people and I am always fond of doing a workshop in which more no of emerging artists can participate in an open surrounding in different states in same day.
actually I want to conduct a workshop on woodcut in which all people can participate present over there to explore by engraving their ideas or views or imagination what they have in wood piece and taking a print over papers for a better impression of textures
woodblocks 1ft by 1ft,inks,paper,engraving tools
I will not say I am the best I am a student only but pursuing my degree of 4 years now extended to 2 more years because I believe in exploring and I am also practicing woodcut and produced 3 works which are now copyrighted works.I just want that people could see the process and can take interest by doing this in their own.
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