Cloud Costs Optimization Doing Cloud Cost optimization optimally!Cloud costs are increasing rapidly if we take into consideration only the bill which is charged from Enterprises by the cloud cost provider and obviously everybody wants to reduce it. However, while defining costs, there are much more aspects to be investigated in an Enterprise , rather than just looking at the charges in the bill. For example, time to market for product or product innovations, w… more
The Fifth Elephant 2014 Advanced Big Data Analytics using Apache Mahout and GiraphIt is difficult to address Graph and machine learning problems using the MapReduce framework. Mostly these problems need multiple iterations of complex algorithms, which can be a little tricky and diffciult to implement in MapReduce. However, there are two frameworks available to address such problems I.e graph and machine learning problems in the Hadoop ecosystem. Apache Giraph is a graph-proces… more
Section: Workshops
Technical level: Advanced
Rootconf Mini 2024 Changing DevOps landscape in FinOps world.Cloud computing benefits organizations in many ways. The benefits are so numerous that it makes it almost impossible not to consider moving business operations to a cloud-based platform. Easier said than done, multiple organizations get trapped in the pricing model – “Pay as you go”, and this not well understood, has resulted in wastages. As per Finops surveys, the key priorities for 2024 are as … more
Submission type: 40 min talk
Track in which your submission fits: Systems engineering