SoftMagnat SQL Server Recovery

SoftMagnat SQL Server Recovery

Efficiently Recover, Repair, and Manage Your SQL Server Databases with Ease.

If searching for a reliable and advanced tool for SQL Server database management and recovery, then SoftMagnat SQL Server Recovery Manager’s list is the best suggestion. It effectively recovers the corrupt SQL server file and can even repair all kinds of SQL data. Be it NDF/MDF ransomware-affected or large database files, it would recover it all in a smooth manner, without being constrained by file sizes. So, the recovered files remain as they were, and the structure, along with properties, remain intact. Another good feature of this SoftMagnat SQL Server Recovery Manager is the performance of the SQL Server LOG database operations and fetching your result into corrupt SQL Server backup files in a straightforward way to recover and export data. It even gets the ability for resetting and recovering SQL user passcodes from the master.mdf file. This has been a comprehensive tool for recovery solutions in SQL, as it permitted encrypted SQL servers along with editions compatible with SQL servers 2014, 2016, and older.

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