Oct 2023
2 Mon
3 Tue
4 Wed
5 Thu
6 Fri
7 Sat 11:30 AM – 02:00 PM IST
8 Sun
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Pratham Container Internals | Building your own Docker in RustIn this talk, we will talk briefly about a high level overview of the various components involved in making up Docker such as runc and containerd, as well as dive a bit into how they work internally, learning about APIs like namespaces and cgroups by building a small container runtime in Rust. more
Aswin C State of Rust in the Linux kernelRecently, the Linux kernel added support for Rust. This talk will discuss the evolution of Rust in the kernel: its early beginnings to its current state, and its potential impact on the future of the software stack. We will also explore, how it works — how Rust is integrated into the kernel’s build system, what you can do with it — code-browse through a couple of examples, where it’s headed, and … more
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