Kushashwa Ravi Shrimali (Kush)

Kushashwa Ravi Shrimali (Kush)


Developing GUI Apps using Rust's Iced Library

Submitted Jan 17, 2023

With System76 (the company behind PopOS) joining hands with Iced library for their new desktop environment COSMIC, the popularity of Iced library has only strengthened. In this talk, I’ll give a brief overview of how one can move forward with developing a GUI app - from frontend to backend - using Rust, mainly focused on Iced for frontend.

Why should you attend?

  • You don’t need to learn 3 different frameworks or languages to build an app. Rust is enough.
  • You can write tests for your core logic. Writing tests in Rust is easier.
  • Developing cross-platform apps is fun. You want to use it? Here you go!
  • From frontend to backend, everything is covered.

What will be in this talk?

  • An introduction to iced-rs library.
  • A quick demo of a couple of apps I’ve built so far using Iced. (100% Rust)
  • How can you build a very simple app using Iced, today?
  • Code walk through!

Who am I?

I’m Kushashwa, working as a Software Engineer at Abnormal Security. Before this, I’ve worked at Lightning AI, Quansight, NVIDIA (US). I love reading source codes, and that’s what interested me in my college days where I first contributed to OpenCV, and then contributed to PyTorch for around 2 years.

I started learning Rust, live on my twitch channel (buffetcodes) - almost half a year back, and my respect and love for the community and the language has only grown since then. My profiles if anyone wants to check these out:


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